I want this blog to INSPIRE your CREATIVE side as we EXPLORE our PASSION together!

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Decorated Candy Bar - Halloween

Here is my sample candy bar that I am thinking of making for coworkers this year for Halloween. I just used paper to cover a Hershey Bar. I would make all of them a little different with different printed papers and such but I think that this turned out to be such a cute little treat. I can't wait to have fun making more.


Heather said...

Very cute! I won't have any school parties for about 3 years but I am going to stick this idea somewhere so I don't forget it when the time comes. :)

abusybee - DoubleClick Connections said...

Super yummy and spooky!


Dawn said...

Very cute idea! I love it... How did you seal the ends of the paper? Have a wonderful Wednesday!

Courtney said...

Hi! I've missed your blog posts :( Hope everything is okay!
